Run: September 6 – 14
We started this year off by asking students to post questions and answers to the statement, “What is an art gallery?” They literally posted these questions by physically hanging them on a sculpture in the gallery.
Here are some of the posted responses that we hope to address this year:
- What makes art interesting?
- Why do we enjoy art?
- What is the meaning of art?
- What is the process to making a piece of art?
- Why do artists art?
- What makes art beautiful?
- Why do we display art?
- Why do people go to galleries?
- Does the artist always have their audience in mind?
- Art process or product?
- Who decides what art is?
- Are we allowed to only show certain types of art?
You can see photos from the installation on the Beaver Facebook page.
Please feel free to post a comment to any of the above questions. Hearing perspectives and opinions from outside the studio/classroom really enriches our conversations. We hope to develop a dialogue through out this year.
Mr. Ingenthron
Visual Arts Faculty Member