Interest: Research
Interest: Research
Advanced Studio Practice
For Seniors who have built their skills and developed personal concepts for their artwork. How will you continue to build your creative voice after graduation? Pablo Picasso said, “Every child is an artist. The problem is how to remain an artist when we grow up.” This course will explore creative strategies to keep art in your life after high school, including workshopping, refining your interests, and learning to seek out and enjoy seeing art in the world. Open to 12th graders who have taken at least one level 2 class and with permission from the Department Head.Advanced Biology – Molecular Research Techniques (Honors)
This course will provide students an opportunity to learn advanced techniques in molecular biology and their applications in biotechnology. Students will delve deeply into advanced topics such as genetic engineering and synthetic biology and the ways in which they can be used to solve real-world problems in medicine, agriculture, and more. Students will travel to the BioBuilder learning lab at Ginkgo Bioworks for an immersive experience in which students learn the skills and tools of molecular research through an ongoing research project. Prerequisites: any Chemistry or Biology Applications course at the Honors level and with departmental permission. Offered at the Honors level only.Foundations of Costume & Fashion Design
Open to first and second year designers, this studio course will initiate and develop their understanding of the principles of costume design, fashion design, and the construction skills needed to create clothing. Drawing from many disciplines and utilizing a variety of skills and technology, students will learn to research and visually communicate their ideas through a series of projects. Students will explore the visual communication, history, and impact of clothing both on the stage and in everyday life in addition to gaining the skills and techniques needed to create their own clothing. Skills involved in this course include research, collage, sketching, digital sketching, figure drawing, pattern reading, sewing (machine and hand), painting, and craft. Students interested in taking more than one art class should reach out to the registrar or the Head of Performing Arts to discuss possible options. Two Term Course No Prerequisite Required. Open to grade levels 10,11,12Student Directed Project – SDP
Architecture, Business, Design, Engineering, Film, Hands On, Health, Law, Literature, Politics, Psychology, Research, Social Justice, Social Sciences, Sports
A Student-Directed Project empowers students to do an in-depth exploration of a topic of interest throughout the term.
The student designs, plans, and leads their research project in collaboration and with the guidance and support of a coach (faculty advisor). It allows students to delve deeper into their passion and to be the designer of their own learning. There is a wide range of Student-Directed Projects; they are multi-disciplinary, non-linear, and most importantly, student-created and led.
That’s what makes them so interesting.
Here are some examples of past projects:
- Creating an architectural model using 3D architectural software
- Through their eyes: Photo and interview series of veterans
- Robosub electromagnetic linear accelerator
- Acoustic pinger for Robosub
- Virtual Reality game for visually-impaired persons
- Creating a concept album
- Dispute: Landlord-tenant board game
- Multimedia journalism: Producing a podcast series
- Perplex: English and Theater Study
- Sensors and fiber optics: Building a fiber optic dress
- Haptic technologies: Force-Feedback Virtual Reality
- Applications of integrals to analytical continuation of functions