Interest: Architecture
Interest: Architecture
Graphic Design
How does design impact how we think, learn and interact? In this course we will investigate these questions as we explore how graphic communication is woven into our daily lives. Students will gain insight into a range of graphic design applications such as branding and advertising, illustration, typography, information design, and editorial publication. Working primarily with Adobe Illustrator, students will develop their digital drawing and design skills while establishing a workflow between Illustrator, InDesign and Photoshop. Open to Grade Levels: 10, 11, 12Installation Art
How does place affect and define our sense of being? How can we intentionally and artistically alter these places? This course pulls from a history of artists changing our surroundings indoors/outdoors and in physical community space and virtual spaces. You’ll work collaboratively to create these installations/interventions and collaborate with the participants/audience. Regular discussion of The World of Art and Art History will provide context for our work. Critiques, documentation, and presentation will be essential elements of the class, with an emphasis on both process and product. Prerequisites: Sculpture or by the recommendation from the Visual Art Department Head.Student Directed Project – SDP
Architecture, Business, Design, Engineering, Film, Hands On, Health, Law, Literature, Politics, Psychology, Research, Social Justice, Social Sciences, Sports
A Student-Directed Project empowers students to do an in-depth exploration of a topic of interest throughout the term.
The student designs, plans, and leads their research project in collaboration and with the guidance and support of a coach (faculty advisor). It allows students to delve deeper into their passion and to be the designer of their own learning. There is a wide range of Student-Directed Projects; they are multi-disciplinary, non-linear, and most importantly, student-created and led.
That’s what makes them so interesting.
Here are some examples of past projects:
- Creating an architectural model using 3D architectural software
- Through their eyes: Photo and interview series of veterans
- Robosub electromagnetic linear accelerator
- Acoustic pinger for Robosub
- Virtual Reality game for visually-impaired persons
- Creating a concept album
- Dispute: Landlord-tenant board game
- Multimedia journalism: Producing a podcast series
- Perplex: English and Theater Study
- Sensors and fiber optics: Building a fiber optic dress
- Haptic technologies: Force-Feedback Virtual Reality
- Applications of integrals to analytical continuation of functions