Winter Tech Theater is a one-term, production-based activity where students practice Technical Theater skills while working on the Advanced Theater Production. This activity is open to both experienced and inexperienced technicians; it includes on-the-job training which prepares students to take on design, production, and devising challenges. Technical theater roles may include stage management, run crew, set, props, lighting, projection, and sound production. Winter Tech Theater offers dedicated students a chance to build essential skills such as effective communication, problem solving, organization, iteration, and leadership. Students entering this activity should be highly motivated and interested in an intense and exciting experience that requires a great deal of commitment.
Winter Tech meets each day from 3:45pm-5:30pm. In the weeks leading up to the performances, Saturday rehearsals are added as well as late rehearsals ending at 6:30pm the week before the show, 9:00pm the week of the show, and later into the evening for the actual performances. Based on the size of the crew and production needs of the play, participation will be confirmed during the first week of the term.

  • Interests: None
  • Grades: 10th, 11th, 12th, 9th
  • Subjects: Afternoon Activities

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