The Corporation of Beaver Country Day School is the legal entity of the school and includes representatives from throughout the Beaver community. The Corporation elects the members of the Board of Trustees and has the responsibility of amending the school’s by-laws. Incorporators are asked to:

  • Serve as ambassadors for Beaver by clearly articulating the mission and values of the school to internal and external audiences, and
  • Provide expertise and guidance, including serving on Board or ad-hoc committees.

2010-2011 Incorporators

Meryl Beckingham P’13, ’08
Dennis Beckingham P’13, ’08
Lucy Amory Bradley ’66
Amy Cooper P’13, ’09
Faith Michaels ’76 P’12
Henry Feldman ’85
Wendy Dameshek Fischman ’89
Jill French P’17, ’11
Nick Galakatos P’10
David Gute P’11, ’08
Barbara Gutman P’15, ’11
Sue Hallowell P’07
Allison Heesch ’86
Carla Jabbour Higgins ’89
Lee Carmichael Hunsaker ’68
Teri Marcus Macduff ’93
David Rhee P’11
Joan Rosenberg P’15, ’09
Michael Saivetz ’93
Jonathan Soroff ’83
Laura Spiro ’83
David Tobias P’09
Carmen Torres-Pena P’07
Margo Wallack P’07, ’05