In this course, students will specialize in and learn a variety of Afro-Cuban Jazz Standards. They will explore Cuban culture and history to gain a greater understanding of the evolution of Cuban music and its relationship and impact on North American jazz. An element of this course is a trip that will allow students to immerse themselves in another culture, and work with students and teachers at Escuela Nacional de Arte in Havana, Cuba to hone their music skills while making cross-cultural and historical connections. Auditions are open for the following instruments: Bass, Drums, Percussion, Guitar, Piano, Strings, Brass, and Woodwinds. This ensemble performs three formal concerts and at some additional school forums. Weekly individual instrumental lessons are not required but are available on campus to students for an additional fee. Students who are on financial aid at Beaver have the same percentage of aid applied to private lessons.

Please note that this course is connected to a BVR Accelerator and that the travel component of the course will take place during this time. Therefore participation in the corresponding BVR Accelerator is a requirement of this course.

Three Term Class
Prerequisite: Audition
Open to grade levels: 11, 12

  • Interests: Hands On
  • Grades: 11th, 12th
  • Subjects: Performing Arts

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