Hello, Middle School Students and Families! Below is this week’s MS Meeting recap.

Sascha Ip ’30 and Micah Gross ’30 ran today’s meeting. You can check out the slides from this week’s meeting here.


Samir Kasrawi ’30 presented: Listens with thoughtful attention.

What this means to me in class is thoroughly listening to the teacher and directions. That means you are doing your best to fully understand what the teacher is asking of you and that you are meeting their expectations.

With friends and classmates, to me, it means respecting what people are saying and where they are coming from. If you are being thoughtful when you listen, you can also add your ideas to theirs.

Samir Kasrawi '30


This Friday, the Hiatt Center is hosting the Middle School Social Justice Retreat. All students will start the day in Gym A for the keynote presented by The Bionic Project. After the keynote, students who signed up for the retreat will continue their day with three workshops and a creative design session.

The AAPI Lunar New Year Potluck event is tomorrow, Wednesday, January 29, during lunch and recess. All students who identify as AAPI are invited to share food, fun, and community at the event. Students are encouraged to bring food to share at the event.

This Thursday morning, students will attend a concert by the Upper School Instrumental Ensemble.

Upcoming field trips

The 8th grade is taking a field trip to the Museum of Science on Tuesday, February 4. They will see Undiscovered Worlds: The Search Beyond Our Sun at the planetarium. They will also visit two permanent exhibits: Exploring AI, which includes a Mars rover on display, and Arctic Adventure, an exhibit showing how scientists use ice cores to track long-term climate changes.

Chinese C students will visit the Golden Age Center in Brighton on Friday, February 7. Students will have the opportunity to interview residents about the Lunar New Year.

Students were given a few reminders about jackets.

  • Students are encouraged to label their jackets with their names.
  • Jackets should be stored in advisory spaces whenever possible.
  • If advisory space is not an option, students are encouraged to use the coat rack in the front foyer.



Tomorrow’s RISE activity is making tassel banners. Through fun activities, students learn how to deal with stress and worry.

This week in advisory, the 6th and 7th grade will explore the topic of Impact vs Intent. The 8th grade will complete their Sharing the Wisdom projects.


Here are this week’s home games.

Check out the athletic schedules on the BVR website.