Student Recap: Melina Bertsekas ’20 reflects on the #SpeakUP exposition

Posted on June 6, 2019

Harvard To Beaver #SpeakUP Exposition is a student-run event featuring visual and performing art that promotes awareness on social justice topics important to BVR students. The event features singers, poets, visual artists, fashion designers, and more creating art about a social justice topic of their choosing for this concert. The event organizer, Melina Bertsekas ’20, reflected on what inspired this event, what the Making Caring Common project is, and what’s next for this event.

Written by event organizer, Melina Bertsekas ’20:

Ever since I was a little girl I’ve expressed myself through art, whether that be dancing, visual art, creative writing, music performance, and most recently, songwriting. I also have always been passionate about inspiring change in my greater community & standing up against what I believe is unjust in our world, whether that be through taking action by myself through social justice organizations or getting involved in non-profit work with my family. Bringing these two pieces of myself together to create something with such a strong, positive impact, was a dream that involved so much exciting yet challenging work but every second of it was worth it.

Back in the Fall of 2018, I received an email from the Hiatt Center encouraging students to apply to the Harvard Making Caring Common Youth Advisory Board. A minute into reading the description of what the board’s missions were and the kinds of passionate students they were looking for, I knew that this board would be something I would loveEver since joining the board, I have been working non-stop with my fellow student board members to create solutions to the major issues haunting our nation today, and to spread the word about small ways anybody can make a positive difference. As a part of this board, I was assigned to the #SpeakUP Team, which focuses on giving students a platform to speak up about what they believe in, and from this basic overarching concept I designed, organized, ran, and hosted the event.

I absolutely loved building this event and working with each student one-on-one to develop their voices & visions. Each piece was so personal and truthful to the change the artist wanted to see in the world, and the delivery was both beautifully touching and powerful. Giving passionate students a place to flourish and express their beliefs through their art was my goal from the start, and what the students gave our community with this opportunity, truly moved me.

So many people came up to me following the event, expressing how much the exposition resonated with them and brought about deep social justice conversations with their peers or classmates. These were the greatest, most meaningful comments I received, because they reflected both how each artist was celebrated for speaking up for what they believe in, as well as how these pieces activated change in the lives of all who experienced the show. I initially planned for the Harvard To Beaver #SpeakUP Exposition to be a one-year event, but seeing the incredible positive response following the event, I am definitely considering organizing it for next year.

Check out a video of the full event here: