Middle School English

The Beaver English Department empowers students by teaching them active reading, writing, reflection, analysis and synthesis. Our teachers encourage students to access their imaginations and intellects. We help students develop the means of confidently and skillfully expressing, in writing and speech, their knowledge, observations and feelings. We foster students’ passion for literature as a means of enhancing cultural awareness, understanding multiple perspectives, exploring human nature, and appreciating the power and beauty of language.

Students in 7th and 8th grade take a standalone English course; in 6th Grade, students take Humanities, which is a blend of English and history.

Middle School English Courses

English 7

Interests: Literature

Why are there stories? What makes a story? How are stories told? What is our story? These essential questions guide our reading, writing, and discussion in 7th grade English. Considering the essential elements of a story leads to an exploration of the many different ways stories are told: from spoken word through literature, poetry, drama, art [read more]

English 8

Interests: Literature

The 8th grade English course focuses on identity, with narratives involving adolescent characters reflecting on their interactions and experiences, responding to injustice, and questioning the status quo. Students respond to readings in a variety of modes: collaborative projects, personal reflections, expository essays, and creative compositions. The creative assignments allow individual freedom, stimulate imagination, and inspire risk-taking. [read more]

Examples from the MS English classroom