Middle School Students

We are committed to helping our students become their best selves, in and out of the classroom. This page is all about the many opportunities at Beaver to explore, learn, develop ideas, deepen understanding, and have fun as a community outside of the classroom!

Are you a current BVR MS student looking for some links? We've got you!

The Beaver Middle School Experience

What’s it really like to be a Beaver Middle School student? Let our students tell you!

Meet Maddy SaCouto ‘29

Maddy—Beaver Class of 2029—enjoys her theater arts and humanities classes and participated in the winter MS musical in 6th grade.

Meet Rishaan Chowdhury ‘29

A student with a passion for journalism, Rishaan can be credited for starting the Middle School newspaper, The Times of Boston.

Meet L’Mar Hibbert ’30

L’mar made a lot of new friends in 6th grade and was exposed to many new and different classes.

Community Times

Our schedule is structured to allow for community bonding times for the entire Middle School. The week starts with a Middle School Moment on Monday, followed by Middle School Meetings every Tuesday, and grade-level community time on Thursdays. We also have seasonal events like BVRFest, Winter Carnival, and Spring Fling.

Curious about happened at MS Meeting? Meeting Minutes are posted to the blog!

Clubs, Groups, and Programming

There are many different ways students can be involved and lead in the Middle School. Most clubs, groups, and programming meet during lunch/recess, and students can pick more than one option each day or week.

Expanding the MS Classroom

Picture of the Beaver campus


In our Middle School, we understand and value the development of the middle school student. During these pivotal years, middle schoolers are on a journey to identify their sense of self. Students ask themselves, “Who am I?” “Who am I in this community?” and “How do I fit in?” To ask these questions is to engage in DEIJ work.

MS Wellness

Our target focus for Middle School Wellness is to normalize the developmental challenges with which students face and help our students further develop their social and emotional learning skills to help them navigate the content of their lives. Our work is intended to help our students be connected and engaged members of our community.

Afternoon Activities

At the end of the academic day, students choose among the extracurricular activities offered in the Afternoon Program. Students in grades 6-8 are required to participate in the Afternoon Program all three terms, and at least one of the terms must be a physical activity.