Gabriela Morillo


Lesley University – B.S.
Universidad de Leon-Spain – M.A.


I grew up in Ecuador and am the youngest of six children. We were always encouraged to be positive, active participants in managing our own education. I initially attended a university in Ecuador and later moved to Buenos Aires, Argentina, to study to be a medical technician. I worked in the operating room of a prestigious hospital there, specializing in trauma.

To continue my education, I moved to New York City and obtained the American Red Cross certification I needed to open the first aquatic institute for infants and preschoolers back home in Ecuador. I also attended a private university in Quito to study early childhood education. I completed my master’s program in linguistics and teaching Spanish as a second language through the Universidad de Leon.

I have been teaching at Beaver since 2003. Supported by intellectually-engaged colleagues from many backgrounds, has opened my eyes to new ideas, trends, and research in education. In my classroom, I celebrate my students’ diverse capacities, interests and ethno-cultural backgrounds. I also try to contribute in many other ways to school life and the broader community.