Beaver Reflections:
I graduated in 1987 and entered Beaver in 7th grade. I had a very positive experience. Beaver at the time was, and still is, a very amazing school with outstanding teachers. They were extremely supportive, not only academically but also emotionally. Looking back, one of my favorite teachers was Ms. Titcomb who taught me math, computer science, and ultimately was my advisor. She was not an easy teacher, however. She challenged students in a way that forced them to work hard. She made the subjects she was teaching very interesting and enjoyable. The thing I did the most at Beaver was the drama club. I participated in most of the plays, musicals, and dramas. Our class was small and we basically grew up together. The majority of us have gone to the reunions and you feel so comfortable around these people.

What is #happeningnow in your life:
After graduating from Beaver, I went to Brandeis where I majored in psychology. After that, I worked for a couple years and then went to graduate school where I got a Ph.D. in psychology. Following that, I worked as a psychologist at Massachusetts General Hospital, the Harvard Medical School System, and for Fenway Health. I founded the Behavioral Medicine Service from the Department of Psychiatry up there, which is a thriving research program. I was there for 18 years and became a full-time professor at Harvard Medical School. About 6 years ago, I moved to Miami where I now work as a professor of psychology at the University of Miami.

“At the beginning of the pandemic, around eight or ten of us had a group chat from high school where we would Zoom and have conversations with each other. The pandemic has really taught me the importance of cherishing and appreciating the friendships you create over your lifetime.”
– Steve Safren ‘87

Advice to Beaver students:
Do not be afraid to be who you are, and, if someone is struggling, try and be that person who will help pick that person up. It is tough especially when you are in high school but make an effort to stick up for others and help people out when you can.