Beaver experience:
I graduated from Beaver in 2009 and was a lifer. Although it sounds corny, being there for the entire experience was truly life-shaping. I played sports throughout my time at Beaver, and they were influential in developing relationships with people in different grades. The support staff really care about the students both academically and as people and the school instilled a level of confidence in me as a person and as a student that helped me in college and beyond. I have some of my closest friends to this day from Beaver and the community is what I cherish most from my experience.

What is #happeningnow in your life:
I worked at an anti-poverty organization helping low-income community members navigate a path out of poverty. Then I went to a venture philanthropy fund that invests in education programs. I worked on our vetting process to identify and select organizations for our portfolio and support them. I left that a year-and-a-half ago, and now I’m in business school at Northwestern. I’ve been interning at Bain & Company in Boston and will be going back full-time, so my next step will be consulting, which is a pretty big shift from nonprofits.

“The pandemic highlighted so many of the challenges that exist in our community in a way that you couldn’t ignore them anymore. Things like internet access and basic needs like Wi-Fi are neglected, and it has shown that some communities are underinvested in. So many families and individuals live close to the line of poverty.”

– Dani Lubin-Levy ’09

Advice to Beaver students:
Beaver is a place that allows you to explore who you are and what you care about. Try to push yourself to get out of your comfort zone because even though it is hard, Beaver is a really safe space to try new things!