The following is a message from Beaver’s Philanthropy and Engagement department to acknowledge the parents and caregivers who rallied to celebrate Beaver on Wednesday, February 12.

BVR Families really showed up this year to support our 2025 For The DAM Giving Day – thank you!

Each year, For The DAM is an opportunity for our amazing community to rally around the Annual Fund and Senior Annual Fund—celebrating the huge impact that philanthropy has across Beaver and on each of our 496 students.

We are so grateful for this community and all of the ways you helped make this day special: by initiating and responding to challenges, motivating your fellow parents and caregivers, reflecting on what Beaver means to your family, and giving so generously. A lucky family in each class will also be receiving a cozy Beaver blanket to say “thank you” for participating in For The DAM. Raffle winners will be randomly selected and emailed directly. Congrats!

The Annual Fund makes up more than $2 million of our operating budget each year and powers our ability to go above and beyond to support our students and faculty. As of this week, 188 families have generously contributed $866,000 to support the Annual Fund this year – thank you! This incredible generosity helps keep Beaver dynamic and allows us to grow, adapt, and say “yes!” when new ideas or opportunities arise.

Collectively, our families’ participation makes a huge impact. Every dollar invested supports Beaver’s students today.

Thank you for giving a DAM!

P.S. It’s not too late to support the 2025 Annual Fund or Senior Annual Fund! Gifts made before our fiscal year end on June 30, 2025 make a huge difference. Thank you!