Here are some highlights from this past week—January 21 through January 24—in the Upper School.
There were no classes on Monday in observance of Martin Luther King Jr. Day.
On Tuesday, 11th and 12th grade students took ice skating trips around Boston. Juniors visited Larz Anderson ice rink while seniors visited the Warrior ice arena. These trips–an annual event at Beaver–give students a chance to build community with their classmates and enjoy a much-needed break from midterm work.
There were no classes on Wednesday due to Parent/Teacher Conferences.
The Upper School winter play, Framed, debuted on Thursday in the Rogers Room. Students have been hard at work on the show for months, creating the story from scratch alongside director Jesse Garlick. Additional showings will take place on Friday, 1/24 and Saturday, 1/25.
10th grade students also took part in the ice skating fun on Thursday, visiting Larz Anderson ice rink.
Students in the BVR-X course Human Communications heard from guest speaker Martha Veto on Friday. Veto discussed her career in deaf-blind education and shared what she sees as the importance of promoting communication in children with disabilities.
English: Philosophy students presented their projects on political theory to an audience of students and Beaver faculty/staff. Students used political theory to analyze current issues such as food insecurity and the TikTok ban. Following their presentations, audience members had a chance to ask follow-up questions and vote on which theory is most just for society