Hello, Middle School Students and Families! Below is this week’s MS Meeting recap.
Catherine Crooker ’29 and Elizabeth Zimman ’29 ran today’s meeting. You can check out the slides from this week’s meeting here.
The 8th grade had a special speaker today during R-TIME. Tate Donnelly is a game developer and an adjunct professor at WPI. 8th grade students are making video games in math class, and Tate talked to them about game design.
Ave Hurley ’29 recapped yesterday’s Middle School Hiatt Leadership Institute called Inside Out: Discover, Grow, Lead.
We learned about the role of being adaptable and flexible as leaders. I particularly enjoyed when each student filled out a worksheet evaluating their own strengths and areas to grow as leaders.
The next leadership workshop is on Monday, October 21.
The Book Club has chosen Uglies by Scott Westerfeld to read. All students are encouraged to read the book and come to book club in the next couple of weeks to discuss it.
Tomorrow are the Student Council grade representative forums at 9:40 a.m. (instead of advisory).
- Avery Thompson ’31 is the moderator for 6th grade
- L’mar Hibbert ’30 is the moderator for 7th grade
- Jonah Freifeld ’29 is the moderator for 8th grade
6th grade candidates
- Malcolm Henderson
- Felipe Hong
- Aarav Khanna
- Kat Nahvi
- Estelí Valenzuela
- Ashley Westerling
7th grade candidates
- Elliot Fayne
- Ninah Mahidhar
- Caroline Mitchell
- Lesleigh Robin
- Olivia Smith
- Ayan Toussaint
- Alessandro Traverso
8th grade candidates
- Taylor Andrews
- Zach Chiu
- Marli Forrester
- Analise Gottschalk
- Jasper Ingenthron
- Beatrix van Stolk
- Juliet Wasserman
- David Yatskar
Picture Retake Day is Monday, September 30. Any student who would like a retake must contact Coffee Pond this week.
There are two ways to sign up. You can go to the main page tab called “Photo Retake date search” or you can look up your child’s portraits with their password.
Speech and Debate starts this week. The eight participants for the fall session are
- Mila Valkin ’29
- Natalie Moniz ’29
- Esmeralda Wright ’30
- Ninah Mahidhar ’30
- Caroline Mitchell ’30
- Eden Fissler Kidder ’29
- Jonah Freifeld ’29
- Vanessa Jean-Marie ’29
Mr. Castillo, Middle School Director of Engagement and Inclusion announced Affinity Spaces at BVR. He talked about what they are, how they differ from an ally space, and encouraged students to come talk to him if they don’t see an affinity space for themselves.
Camille Torres-Vega ’29 and L’mar Hibbert ’30 announced the Students of Color Affinity Space, saying it’s a space where they connect with other students of color and have fun. They meet every other Friday and will start next week, October 4.
Ms. Macomber talked about the Multiracial Affinity Space as a space where students who identify as more than one race meet.
Rishaan Chowdhury ’29 talked about the Asian Americans and Pacific Islanders (AAPI) Affinity Space. He said he enjoys learning about his fellow students’ cultural identities and experiences. The group meets monthly on Wednesdays starting October 2.
Micah Gross ’30 and Daniel Orloff ’30 talked about the Jewish Affinity Group. They explained that last year they celebrated holidays and played games. They meet every other Wednesday starting this week.
Tomorrow’s RISE activity is making fall garlands. Through fun activities, students learn how to deal with stress and worry.