Upper School Global History and Social Sciences

What is History? How does History help us understand today’s world? Whose History are we studying? The Global History and Social Sciences curriculum provides students with the opportunity to learn about History from global perspectives, looking at, analyzing, and thinking critically about primary and non-U.S. sources. Our students also examine the struggles the U.S. faced in its pursuit of the ideals of justice and equality for all —while also exploring topics and issues experienced by marginalized and underrepresented groups who traditionally receive little attention in history books. Identifying and alleviating gaps in the historical narrative provides opportunities for students to learn about others’ lived experiences. The global dimension of the curriculum demonstrates the wide variety of themes students will deal with in each course. The Global History and Social Sciences student is a critical thinker with an awareness and understanding of religious, political, social, cultural, and economic issues. Differentiation, project-based learning, and the use of technology are also important parts of the curriculum.


30 credits are required for graduation.


In grades 10 through 12, students may elect to take their Global History and Social Science course at the honors level. Honors students are expected to be leaders in class discussions, to maintain a high level of enthusiasm and intellectual curiosity, and to demonstrate a superior level of critical analysis in all written work and on honors-specific prompts on assessments. Earning Honors credit requires that after electing Honors and agreeing to the honors policy, that the student continues to live up to these expectations.

History FAQs

What are some ways my student can get involved in history beyond the classroom?

Currently, we have students doing a deep dive into voting and polling data, immigration advocacy, analysis of the current presidential candidate debates, and podcasting through Student Directed Projects (SDP). In their work, students are able to focus on interests that go beyond the history classroom. We also have students involved in the Massachusetts History Bowl and Bee competitions (this year, we placed 2nd in the Massachusetts State Championships). In the past two years, students have submitted work to competitions like the NPR Student Podcast Challenge and the JFK Profiles in Courage Essay writing contests.

What are some research methods students use?

We use a variety of tools to cultivate student driven research, including:

  • Credo
  • Boston Public Library
  • Google Scholar
  • Gale

Required Global History & Social Science Courses

Global History I: U.S. History

Global History & Social Sciences
Interests: Law, Politics, Social Justice

Nation and Nationalism  If you could build your own nation, what would it be like? In this class, you will have the opportunity to understand how nations are built, how they expand, and how national identity is shaped and cemented through culture, politics, conflict, and division. You will also evaluate the goals of the U.S. […]

Global History II: U.S. and World History

Global History & Social Sciences
Interests: Law, Politics, Social Justice, Social Sciences

From Power to Superpower (Required) From the Spanish American War to the beginning of the Cold War, this course will explore the evolution of the U.S. as a global superpower, its territorial expansion, its foreign policy and involvement in different wars and conflicts. You will examine how governments garner popular support for military and humanitarian […]

Global History III: World History

Global History & Social Sciences
Interests: Law, Politics, Social Sciences

Empires, Colonization, Resistance and Independence (Required) When you think of empires, which ones do you think of and why? Are empires only nation-states? Students will explore the characteristics that make up an empire and how they are sustained with or without war. How are people affected by the rise and fall of empires?  What are […]

Global History & Social Science Electives

Advanced History: Independent Research (Honors)

11th, 12th
Global History & Social Sciences
Interests: Research, Social Sciences

An intensive, inquiry-based course that will require students to pursue an advanced independent course of research on a topic of their choice. Students in this small section will be expected to work through a number of multi-step research assignments that will include producing research based papers, research based presentations, and participate in a number of […]

Governments From Around the World

11th, 12th
Global History & Social Sciences
Interests: Law, Politics

How do governments of the world work together in dealing with geopolitical issues? This course will explore the various governmental systems of the world in existence today. It will also examine why democracy thrives in some areas of the world and what factors hinder it in others. Over the course of a term, students will […]

Identity, Race, and Class

11th, 12th
Global History & Social Sciences
Interests: Law, Politics, Social Justice, Social Sciences

How have we been socialized to perpetuate stereotypes and biases toward groups of people? How do gender and identity intersect with race and class? Students will examine the work of some of the most important thinkers on race, class consciousness, and identity. Students will be encouraged to engage in authentic, personal discussions and to connect […]

Religions and Beliefs

11th, 12th
Global History & Social Sciences
Interests: Law, Politics, Social Sciences

Ever wonder why, despite ideals of religious freedom and acceptance, different religious groups and religions of the world unite or lead into conflict? In this course, students will explore a wide range of religious and spiritual ideologies including their origins, beliefs/practices, and adaptations over time. Investigations into how belief systems shape contemporary politics, government, and […]

The Media and Its Influences

11th, 12th
Global History & Social Sciences
Interests: Business, Film, Law, Politics, Sports

From the printing press to widespread use of social media, the creation of news content has been defined and redefined by the technology of its historical time. Using today’s media landscape, students will examine what qualifies as news, what ethical questions are presented in journalism, and how we are impacted today by those that craft, […]

Theories of Justice (BVR-X)

11th, 12th
BVR-X, Global History & Social Sciences
Interests: Law, Politics, Psychology, Social Justice

Is economic inequality unjust? Is the government justified in restricting your freedom if it does so to improve your life? Using philosophical ideas by which one might understand justice, students will engage in conversations with experts and take part in a series of project-based learning activities as they examine complex problems and develop solutions to […]

Advanced History: Theories of Punishment (Honors)

Global History & Social Sciences
Interests: Law, Politics, Psychology, Social Justice, Social Sciences

What aspects of culture and politics promote criminal justice reform? How can the United States achieve an effective justice system that protects public safety while also confronting issues related to restoration for those impacted by crime, both the victim and the accused? Is the prison industrial complex used by the government and industry to address […]