MS Minutes: 05.14.24

Posted on May 15, 2024

Hello, Middle School Students and Families! Below is this week’s MS Meeting recap.

Charlotte Henson ’30 and Caroline Coe-Rohl ’30 ran today’s meeting. You can check out the slides from this week’s meeting here.


Micah Gross ’30 and Reade Mrazek ’30 presented: Sleeps, Eats healthy food, and is physically active

This relates to me because I like being outside a lot. I can play different games and hang out with my friends. I like playing soccer. When you are outside, it feels bigger, there is fresh air. I like playing on real grass because it hurts less when you fall, and it’s easier for me to control the ball. I like playing tennis and when I am outside on the courts I like to have the wind on my face and the sun in my eyes. But when I play on indoor courts it is harder to control the ball when they slip. If you don’t eat healthy your body won’t feel good. Eating healthy food makes you feel energized. If you don’t sleep, you will be more tired during the day. Sleeping gives you energy, and who doesn’t like sleeping?


The Hiatt Summer Fellowship program deadline is this Friday, May 17. Ms. Garayúa invited any student who has questions to see her during R-TIME today.

7th grade students who are Admission Ambassadors can apply to be next year’s head Admission Ambassadors. The deadline for the application is today.

Sharing the Wisdom: 8th graders presenting about an important middle school topic. Mr. Rowles’ advisory presented on Conflict Resolution.

Baker Henson, Joza Wang, Romy Seidman, Maggie Whitney, Matthew Baltay and William Mortimer shared:

Things we know about conflict and conflict resolution:

  • Excessive or ongoing conflict is not good
  • Personal conflict can lead to people being excluded by groups
  • Resolution is better than ignoring or avoidance
  • Raising your voice at each other doesn’t help
  • Listen to people – create an environment that favors listening
  • It’s good to get outside (3rd party) help to talk through things

Important information from our research:

  • Anger is a part of most conflict, either as a primary or secondary emotion
  • Resolving a conflict can actually make a relationship stronger than never having one

Common types of conflict include:

  • Miscommunication
  • Conflict of interest
  • Acting in an untrustworthy manner
  • Sharing or saying unkind things online

We have three Middle School meetings left this year! For the last three meetings, we have a list of students who will run them. We encouraged students who haven’t spoken at a meeting this year or would like to speak again, to reach out to me to make a BVR Student announcement.



Today’s RISE activity was painting tote bags. Through fun activities, students learn how to deal with stress and worry.

This week’s advisory agenda: Sharing the Good. Students choose two questions; their responses will be posted on a wall in the MS hallway.

The questions are

  1. What is a meaningful experience/best memory from this year that you would like to share?
  2. If you had to share one positive memory from this year, what would it be and why?
  3. Who or what are you grateful for?
  4. Share a piece of advice for incoming students for next year.

The last Wellness classes of the year are this week.
Humanities 6.2 TODAY @ 12:35 p.m.
Art 7.2 Thursday @ 8:50 a.m.
Art 7.3 Thursday @ 12:35 p.m.
Art 7.1 Friday @ 12:35 p.m.

This week’s home games:

vs BBN @ 3:30 p.m. on Upper Field
A2 + B Tennis vs Dedham @ 3:15 p.m. at Pine Manor

Ultimate vs Charles River @ 3:30 p.m. on Upper Soule Field
A Tennis vs Meadowbrook @ 3:30 p.m. at Pine Manor
Softball vs Solomon Schechter @ 3:30 p.m. on Upper Field

vs Park @ 3:30 p.m. on Upper Field
Ultimate vs Park @ 3:30 p.m. on Upper Soule Field