Club Spotlight: Interior Design Club

Posted on October 6, 2021

Upper School

Club: Interior Design Club
Club Leaders: Grace King ’22 and Emma Rothman ’22
Terms Running: Fall, Winter, and Spring

The Interior Design Club focuses on re-designing spaces around Beaver to better fit the needs of the faculty and students. They have also done seasonal DIY projects, in-club games, virtual simulations, and in-club projects where they’ve designed rooms for other members.

This club has grown since my freshman year to be something more well known, and we are proud to have our ‘design expertise’ wanted by faculty in the school.  As leaders, Emma and I make sure to bond with our members in and out of club blocks to make the block more fun and relaxing. We are always looking for new members so we can tackle more projects, and we urge anyone who has an interest in Interior Design to join and help make our club better for everyone! — Grace King ’22

Currently, the club is in the beginning phases of re-designing the Design Level.  After the D-level project, they will be designing Mr. Figs’ room to better fit his needs.

Upper School clubs meet every Tuesday. Click here to see the full list of Upper School clubs.