BVR Speaker Series: NECIR reporters Burt Glass and Paul Singer talk to US students about fake news, credible sources

Posted on February 19, 2019

Burt Glass and Paul Singer, reporters from the New England Center for Investigative Reporting (NECIR)

Multiple Upper School classes

To talk to students about (1) “fake news” (and how to spot it) and (2) how to find credible sources for articles.

In order to spot fake news stories, Glass shared the following five questions that students can ask themselves when reading an article:

  1. Who wrote the article? Does the article have an author?
  2. Do the photos in the article have a credit? In other words, does the article credit a photographer or source?
  3. Are there any sources in the article? Who is the source?
  4. Is the article on any other news sites? Is the topic on any other news sites?
  5. Does the article have a date?

Singer talked about interviewing sources and the importance of being prepared before hand – i.e., “doing your homework”.

“You can’t just call someone. You have to have the facts in hand,” he said. “I don’t do motives – I do facts.”