Hello, Middle School Students and Families! Below is a recap of this week’s MS Meeting.
Caroline Mitchell ’30 and Ayan Toussaint ’30 ran today’s meeting. You can check out the slides from this week’s meeting here.
Kat Nahvi ’31 and Camille Torres-Vega ’29 presented “Sleeps, eats healthy food, and is physically active“
We picked sleeps, eats healthy food, and is physically active because these are important habits to develop to be able to function. These skills help you to feel healthy overall. They strongly impact your school life and have long-term effects since sleeping, eating healthy, and being physically active are important.
These are also important because without eating healthy and being physically active, there can be long-term impacts on the brain. Without sleeping, eating healthy food, and being physically active, it can be hard to focus on the rest of the elements of the BVR Student.
Kat Nahvi '31 and Camille Torres-Vega '29
The Winter Musical, Shrek, is this Thursday and Friday, February 27 and 28. The show begins at 6 p.m. in Bradley Hall and runs for two hours, including an intermission. Students attending should be picked up at 8 p.m.
The fifth Hiatt Leadership Institute took place yesterday morning on the D-Level. The topic was about how leaders build on the strength of a group or a collective to achieve a goal. During the workshop, students took a closer look at how they define the word “strength” and how having individual strength can influence the strength of an entire group positively and sometimes even negatively.
Elena Todd ’31 and Estelí Valenzuela ’31 shared what they learned from the workshop. They said, “something we learned from what we talked about in the workshop was what the true meaning of strength is and how you’re able to do things even when you don’t want to.”
Ave Hurley ’29 shared information regarding the Hiatt Summer Fellowship. The Hiatt Summer Fellowship offers all students at Beaver the opportunity to expand their learning into the summer. Ms. Garayúa shared information via email about programs students can attend this summer through the fellowship, as well as opportunities to volunteer and receive funding while helping local organizations.
Students in 8th grade will receive additional information regarding Upper School Hiatt Fellowship opportunities. Many programs are open to rising 9th graders. Students interested in finding a fellowship can meet with Ms. Garayúa during R-TIME.
The spring session of Speech and Debate will begin after spring break. The program is run by Lumos. Classes take place at Beaver from 5-7 p.m. on Wednesdays. Students interested in participating should email CK (akuntzberg@bcdschool.org) by Friday, February 28. Beaver has space for 6 students.
Rishaan Chowdhury ’29 announced that Student Council planned a spirit week for next week. All students are encouraged to participate.
- Monday: Pajamas
- Tuesday: Dress like a teacher
- Wednesday: Jerseys
- Thursday: Dress-up
- Friday: BVR Spirit
The Upper School Math Club is hosting a middle school math competition next Monday, March 3 during afternoon activities. The event is open to all students in middle school. The form to sign up will be shared in math class.
Spring afternoon activities begin next Wednesday, March 5. Students in a winter activity should return their uniforms and any borrowed items to the athletic center after their last game.
The 8th grade stayed after the MS Meeting today to hear from the Director of Upper School, Lisa Brown, and the 9th and 10th Grade Dean, Melinda Ching. They talked about the visit day on April 4 when 8th graders will visit two Upper School classes as well as attend a luncheon with Upper School students and faculty. The event is designed to give a sneak peek into the Upper School experience. The Upper School team is looking forward to welcoming the class of 2029 to the Upper School!
Tomorrow’s RISE activity is making perler beads. Through fun activities, students learn how to deal with stress and worry.
This week in advisory, the 6th grade will be creating advisory restaurants. The goal is for each advisee to think of a dish that represents a part of their identity.
The 7th grade will be doing the second round of middle school dilemmas.
The 8th grade will have a class meeting to introduce the New York City experience in May.
Check out the athletic schedules on the BVR website.
Parent/Caregiver & Teacher Conferences will continue this Friday, February 28. Students are encouraged to attend their conferences. Please let us know if your student will be attending conferences here.