Hello, Middle School Students and Families! Below is this week’s MS Meeting recap.
Elizabeth Zimman ’30 and Kennie Shea ’30 ran today’s meeting. You can check out the slides from this week’s meeting here.
Lesleigh Robin ’30 presented: Acts with honesty, integrity, and sincerity.
I think acting with honesty is important because it means you are intentional with everything you do. It is important to be honest in all spaces, including at home and school because it helps you build trust with people.
Lesleigh Robin '30
Vivian Mandelman ’26 is completing an SDP (Student Directed Project) in Upper School with a focus on how early exposure to screens is impacting adolescent development and health. Vivian will be surveying middle school students as part of her research.
Kylee Hill ’25 announced the AAPI Lunar New Year Potluck event. All students who identify as AAPI are invited to share food, fun, and community at the event on Wednesday, January 29 during lunch and recess. Students are encouraged to bring food to share at the event.
Students were reminded to leave phones at the front desk when they have early pick-up. This helps keep early dismissals on schedule. Students were also reminded to use their assigned phone pocket to ensure their devices are properly accounted for.
The entire Middle School is going ice skating to end Feed Your Brain Day on Thursday, February 13 from 1:30-3:30 p.m.
Students will receive an email asking about their skate size as well as giving them the option to bring skates from home.
Yearbook is collecting baby pictures from the 8th graders. All 8th graders should submit a picture of themselves younger than age two to the yearbook staff.
RISE: Tomorrow’s RISE activity is making tassel banners. Through fun activities, students learn how to deal with stress and worry.
ADVISORY: This week in advisory, students will complete the Belonging Survey. Mr. Castillo and Mr. Egwuatu have worked on a survey to measure the sense of belonging at Beaver.
ATHLETICS: This week’s home games are listed below. Check out the athletic schedules on the BVR website.