Beaver’s LEGO League team competes in robotics competition

Posted on December 13, 2024

Beaver’s Middle School LEGO League team competed in a robotics competition as part of First LEGO League. This year’s competition centered around ocean exploration, challenging students to consider how robotics can be leveraged to address real-world scenarios.

We developed an idea for using red light for deep sea photography because red light doesn’t disturb the creatures down there that are so used to the dark.

Aarav Khanna ’31

Beaver’s team competed against 64 other schools and teams across a total of four different matches. Students arrived to the competition with a robot programmed to solve several problems and interact with LEGO mission models. Between each match, students had time to iterate and strategize around what missions their builds would encounter next. “It was a challenge to code the robot to navigate the field,” Malcolm Richkus ’31 says. “We improved our score from 65 points to a high of 140 points by the end.”

We are proud of our accomplishments this season and look forward to doing even better next year!

Elena Todd ’31

Despite finishing out the season, LEGO League still plans to meet each Wednesday. During the offseason, the team focuses on strengthening their coding and building skills in order to prepare for the following year’s competition. “Everyone is welcome and you can drop in for just one day if you are interested,” Kieran Morrissey-Dhekne ’30 says. “Come try it out!”