Beaver English Teacher Named NAIS Teacher of the Future

Posted on June 29, 2011

Upper school English teacher and Beaver’s Technology Integration Specialist Robin Neal has been selected as one of 25 Teachers of the Future by the National Association of Independent Schools (NAIS).

The program is designed to allow innovative teachers to share their expertise in teaching with technology as well as their individual creative teaching techniques. Teachers were selected based on their demonstrated excellence in environmentalism, globalism, equity and justice, and/or use of technology.

Throughout the 2011-2012 school year Robin will lead an NAIS online educational discussion forum and create a demonstration teaching video to be posted on NAIS’s online independent school community as well as the NAIS channel on iTunes U.

For more information on the NAIS Teacher of the Future Program visit the program’s website.

Photo: Robin Neal (right) named NAIS Teacher of the Future.