Four Beaver Seniors Earn Festival Acting Awards

Posted on March 9, 2010

Students in the Advanced Drama elective staged the classic comedy of manners “She Stoops to Conquer” by Oliver Goldsmith on February 24 and 25 in Bradley Hall. They also performed it at the annual Mass High School Drama Guild Festival on February 27, where four seniors (Hayley Tuckett, Tyler Starr, Gus Polstein, Josh Bourdeau) earned All Star Company acting awards.

The witty production, directed by teacher Jen Yolles, introduced contemporary elements to the 18th century set and costumes (iPods, fast food containers, metallic bomber jackets and sunglasses) that made the play’s farcical plot devices seem timeless.

The Advanced Drama course, a one-term elective offered each winter term, is the culmination for students studying theater at Beaver. The students in the class participate in all aspects of the production.