Beaver Seniors Participate in Panel Discussion

Posted on April 27, 2011

Early in April, seniors Taylor Pierce and Danny DeLeon were invited to participate as panelists for an event sponsored by SISTERS (an affinity group for Black and Latina students) at the Winsor School.

The event was put together in the hopes of fostering communication between young men and young women of color, and to support students as they “continue on their path to adulthood to be better informed and less fearful of their futures in our complex coed community.” Students from Belmont Hill, The Fessenden School, and Milton Academy also participated.

The topics of discussion that were explored included differences in definitions of beauty and feelings on interracial dating and relationships. Both Taylor and Danny were happy to be able to participate and enjoyed the open interaction and candor of the discussions.

Food and informal socializing followed the panel discussion.

Photo: Seniors Taylor Pierce and Danny DeLeon