Beaver Donates Almost 700 Pounds of Food to GBFB

Posted on March 17, 2011

In what’s becoming an annual event, Beaver students and faculty donated almost 700 pounds of food to the Greater Boston Food Bank, which will provide 520 meals to Boston-area children.

Beaver’s food drive was focused on providing breakfast foods for GBFB’s Backpack Program. This program identifies children in public schools who are at risk of hunger and discreetly gives them backpacks of food to take home. The Backpack Program feeds more than 190,000 students across the country through organizations like GBFB.


For the second year in a row, Meri Winter ’11 organized the event and galvanized the Beaver community. Beginning with a kick-off at an all-school meeting in which GBFB President and CEO Catherine D’Amato spoke, students competed in grade-level teams to see which grades could donate the most food. Each grade was assigned a type of breakfast item such as cereals, fruit cups, or non-perishable milk products.

A big thanks goes out to all those in the Beaver community who made the food drive such a success.