MS Minutes: 10.15.24

Hello, Middle School Students and Families!

Below is this week’s MS Meeting recap, my last one for the 2024-25 school year! For the rest of the year, you will see MS Minutes coming from Amber Kuntzberg while I’m on sabbatical.

Tahlia Horvitz ’30 and Emma Hogan ’30 ran today’s meeting. You can check out the slides from this week’s meeting here.


Gabby Adelson ’31 presented: Take Only What They Need

If you take a bunch of stuff at once, there won’t be enough for people to have. If I need cardboard, I take just 2-3 pieces at once, not 10-15 pieces. If I am working with a partner, if I take too much paper, they won’t have any. If you take too many materials, then others won’t have enough.


Conor McKinley ’29 announced the next Hiatt Leadership Institute, Beyond the Surface: Mastering Deep Listening.

We’re going to take a closer look at the behavior of owls and see what we can learn from their amazing awareness and also practice some new skills.

Students received an email today to register for the workshop.

Parent/Caregiver & Teacher Conferences are the next three Fridays: October 18, 25, and November 1. Students are encouraged to attend their conferences.

Feed Your Brain Day is this Thursday. Students will receive their schedule for the day on Wednesday. This day allows Middle School teachers to prepare for conferences while students have enriching learning experiences led by BVR administrators and staff.

Winter Afternoon Activities are now in PowerSchool. Students are encouraged to look to see what they were assigned.

Winter Afternoon Activities start on Monday, December 2. All students in the musical, both actors and technicians, stayed after the meeting today to hear more about their schedule. This year, mandatory rehearsals fall on public school vacation week in February. Musical students took home a schedule that needs to be signed by a parent/caregiver and returned to the school by Thursday.

I spoke to the MS about my upcoming sabbatical. My last day of the 2024-2025 school year will be Thursday, October 17. I let the 6th and 7th graders know I will be placing them in their classes for next year, so you will see emails from me in the spring. I will miss the middle school community while I am away, and also look forward to this amazing opportunity to take a break from work! Tiffany Smith and the rest of the middle school team will be covering my job responsibilities while I am away.

We talked about The BVR Way:

We talked about the ways BVR students are disciplined with technology. Including:



Tomorrow’s RISE activity is making flower mason jars. Through fun activities, students learn how to deal with stress and worry.

This week’s advisory agenda: Continuing creating visual representations of our identities. Students will turn their ideas into rough sketches and then on Thursday each grade will spend time on the D-Level during Feed Your Brain Day to make a final cardboard tangram piece to create a mural in the hallway entitled Block Party!

8th grade has wellness this week on Feed Your Brain Day.


Check out the athletic schedules on the BVR website.

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