BVR students at SXSWedu lead discussions on virtual reality in the classroom

Posted on March 4, 2019

Virtual Reality is just one of the many tools our students can use to demonstrate their imagination, creativity, and content mastery.

Lexi Clayton ’19, Ella Val ’21, Ben Otting ’21, and Max Sclar ’21 are at the SXSWedu Playground in Austin, Texas this week sharing the work they’ve done with VR.  For three days they’ll be talking with attendees on the floor of the expo — explaining the different tools and technologies available, helping others get started with VR, and engaging in conversations on why they like to build virtual worlds.

Yolanda Wilcox Gonzalez (History Department Head), Lisa Brown (English Department Head), and Lindsay Rich (Middle School Spanish Faculty) are also at the event and will share how we use VR to address social justice topics, build connections, and foster empathy.

Learn more – and see project and assignment examples – on the Virtual Reality in the Classroom Tumblr.

Beaver students at SXSWedu talking about virtual reality Beaver students at SXSWedu talking about virtual reality Beaver students at SXSWedu talking about virtual reality

Virtual Reality in the Classroom