The Stand Against Racism Event

Posted on June 10, 2013

The Stand Against Racism nationwide event occurred as an all day event in school on Friday, April 26, 2013. It is a nationwide event created by the YW to empower and bring awareness to this social justice issue that is very prevalent in our society today. Maddy Kulke ’15 and Mariamawit Loulseged ’14 are part of the program YW that runs the INIT program they graduated from.

One of the commitment plans for the Beaver delegation was to do something at Beaver for Stand Against Racism. Maddy and Mariamawit decided that on this day they would have everyone wear red or wear the pins that they were given to represent the Stand Against Racism. They sent out an email with this link: explaining how Stand Against Racism is a nationwide event that Beaver will be taking part in with numerous other organizations on that day.

The highlights were that Beaver was a very interactive audience, was willing to wear the pins and was interested in learning more about the day to spread awareness. Numerous Beaver students and staff reminded their peers of the day by wearing the pins and wearing red. Beaver had a really great turnout and probably about 200 people participated at our school. Maddy and Mariamawit were honored to be participants and add to spreading awareness in the community.