Social Justice Lessons Heighten Student Engagement

Posted on January 6, 2011

A scene from the MS fall play, Iqbal, which explored child labor in carpet-making factories
Here are a few examples of units that incorporate social justice:

Middle School history teacher Mike Adamowicz created a unit on Islam designed to combat “Islamophobia” that has heightened since 9/11. Students wrote travel brochure about the region’s geography and climate and created posters and reviews of books and films about Mohammed’s life.

Upper School math teacher Joe Robinson taught an honors precalculus unit on probability that used real-world statistics on bullying among teenagers.

Upper School English teacher Matthew Lippman used the novel Invisible Man as a springboard for discussions of race and class in his junior class. In addition to writing papers, students made short videos about invisibility and identity.

Middle School Spanish teacher Jennifer Stanton assigned students to report on fair trade issues in Central and Latin America using the irregular verbs they had studied.

Upper school science teacher Jon Butler included discussions of gender inequity and women in research science into his advanced DNA elective.

Middle School drama teachers Kelly Lopez and Michelle Langwieder chose the play Iqbal as their fall production, in part, because it offered the opportunity to teach students about child slavery and exploitation.