Back to School 2024-25


We will update this page regularly throughout the summer with the latest information, so make sure to bookmark it in your browser. If you have any questions, please email Tiffany Smith in the Middle School or Lisa Brown in the Upper School.

Questions about Athletics including preseason and tryouts? Email Director of Athletics and Fitness, Alex Gould.

For all Major Dates for the 24-25 school year, click here.

Getting Started

Here are a few of the systems and apps we use throughout the year that you’ll need to access over the summer.


  • What it is: PowerSchool is Beaver’s online student information system for students and parents. It contains end-of-term grades, class schedules, attendance, zip code list, family directory, and course registration (students only). 
  • How to access it: Families will receive an email from the Registrar’s Office in August with their login information. We ask all parents to go to PowerSchool to update/confirm their contact information. New and returning students and families will see schedule information including advisors, classes, and afternoon activities when PowerSchool goes live at the beginning of August. MS and US schedules go live at the same time. (New families will receive an email in August with their login information.)
  • Who to contact if you need help: Contact the Registrar’s Office at


  • What it is: Beaver works with Magnus Health to collect and store health forms in its secure database.
  • How to access it: New families will receive an email in early August from Magnus with their username and password. All of the required forms are available on the Magnus website and must be completed before your child can participate in pre-season athletics and school activities. To log in to your Magnus portal, click here.
  • Download the Magnus Health Mobile App before school starts.  Click here for the quick start guide to get the app on your phone.
  • Who to contact if you need help: For questions about health records and forms, contact our School Nurse, Talia Ossowski.

Getting to Beaver

The shuttle bus leaves the Chestnut Hill T-Stop (on the D-Line) each morning at 7:30 and 7:45 a.m. (8:30 and 8:40 a.m. on Mondays). In the afternoon, the bus leaves campus at 3:45 and 5:45 p.m. The service is free. Riders should look for a yellow bus with “Bedford Charter” on the side. Beaver offers reduced-price monthly T-passes for students. Please note, that all students who live in Boston are eligible for a free T-pass from the city. We will send a communication regarding when these passes will be available in mid to late August. Please email Erika Charles if you have any questions.

  • If you would like to purchase a monthly T-pass, complete this form (click here) and return it to Beaver by August 23.

We offer transportation to and from Beaver covering the northern and western suburbs, Beacon Street, South End, Brookline, and South of Boston. Details here and you can contact Kellie Sullivan with any questions.

Please call or email the attendance line at 617-738-2321 or before 8:30 a.m. to report an absence, lateness, or early dismissal. Classes begin at 8:00 a.m. Tuesday through Friday and at 9:00 a.m. on Mondays. Students are responsible for making up missed work. If a student is going to be absent for an extended period of time,  Ann Bevan Hollos in the Middle School and Lisa Brown in the Upper School should be informed.