Make Change

Make Change Beaver is the comprehensive effort to highlight the importance and power of sustainable philanthropy. This is a Beaver wide effort to raise money and awareness about community issues, and to distribute the funds through a grant process.

How to Get Involved

“Donate money”

  • Find a JAR, fill a JAR on the Beaver campus

“Spend time”

  • Volunteer your time as an individual, family, member of group

    • Examples:

      • Upper School Student Council is planning a service event for the school

      • Advisory groups are planning to volunteer on a weekend

“Support effort”

  • Raise awareness of philanthropy and social activism

  • Introduce Beaver community to grant worthy organizations

  • Submit Make Change Beaver grant proposal.

    • Grant proposals will be available electronically

Make Change Beaver Grants in Action

Middle School Gay Straight Alliance: Here at Beaver we see a big presence of giving from the youngest students in our community!  The Middle School Gay Straight Alliance (GSA) has done incredible work over the past couple of years.  One of the group’s main focus has been supporting and giving to Waltham House; a group home designed to supply a safe living environment for up to 12 gay, lesbian, bisexual and transgender (GLBT) youth ages 14-18.  The middle schoolers made a connection with a boy who’s birthday was approaching and were able to fulfill his birthday wish and give him a keyboard and giant stuffed gorilla.  Students have said they love this experience because they, “feel like we are helping someone and making them happy through the presents that we got them.  We love to get presents and we want other kids to get them too.”  This year the Middle School GSA is hoping to donate new sheets and towels to Waltham house, and purchase t-shirts to represent Beaver and the GSA on the Day of Silence and at the pride parade.


Hannah Zack ‘14 applied for the Make Change Beaver grant to benefit Samaritans, a suicide prevention helpline. Beaver has had many students, Hannah included,  volunteer to be hotline specialists.  The summer before Hannah applied she completed a 30 hour training to become a volunteer on the helpline and held several three hour weekly shifts. Hannah feels that the skills she learned from the training allowed her  to be a better friend and listener to this day. “The ability to listen free of judgement and bias is invaluable. “During these calls Hannah knew that she was holding lives in her hands, people who tended to be much older than her age of 16. Annually, Samaritans receives around 250,000 calls which on average cost $4.50. While the Make Change donation seems small, Hannah knew that any amount of money would allow more people to attend the monthly trainings that costs $10,000 to host.

Parent Resources

Below you will find some interesting articles about philanthropy to discuss with your children

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